Yeah.. I know fsck all about Britain's geography.
London is flat. Dunwich Dynamo is flat. Ride to Nottingham isn't so flat. South-west is rolling. Highlands aren't certainly not flat.
The rest is a mystery and google maps doesn't do altitude profiles.. well.. it has a plugin to do it but it doesn't work for me.
Bikely would but it's quicker to get google maps to plan the route and then 'bend' it to suit. I suck at map making AND map reading.
"Peak" district doesn't sound promising though. Not for a single day ride.
Could train out of London and get a head start? Ride the good bits rather than do it just to clock the kays.
Yeah.. I know fsck all about Britain's geography.
London is flat. Dunwich Dynamo is flat. Ride to Nottingham isn't so flat. South-west is rolling. Highlands aren't certainly not flat.
The rest is a mystery and google maps doesn't do altitude profiles.. well.. it has a plugin to do it but it doesn't work for me.
Bikely would but it's quicker to get google maps to plan the route and then 'bend' it to suit. I suck at map making AND map reading.
"Peak" district doesn't sound promising though. Not for a single day ride.
Could train out of London and get a head start? Ride the good bits rather than do it just to clock the kays.