I've just switched from SPDs to clips&straps. I got pissed off with having to carry a change of shoes most places, and also never managed to get 100% confident skids without coming unclipped. I've only cycled with clips for a day so far, but I find skidstops easier and I don't come unclipped any more!
I do wish I'd splashed out on the clips with leather shoe protectory bits, I love my shoes too much!
I've just switched from SPDs to clips&straps. I got pissed off with having to carry a change of shoes most places, and also never managed to get 100% confident skids without coming unclipped. I've only cycled with clips for a day so far, but I find skidstops easier and I don't come unclipped any more!
I do wish I'd splashed out on the clips with leather shoe protectory bits, I love my shoes too much!