velocity boy It would make ... and flip flopping so incredibly quick.
Only if you have the same tooth cog/freewheel on each side. It would make flip flopping a bit of pain in the arse otherwise cos you'd have to adjust the EBB as well as flipping the wheel around.
Why not use long Campy horizontals, as suggested above? Makes fixing punctures and flip flopping very quick and is much simpler than an EBB. Not hi tech enough? :)
Only if you have the same tooth cog/freewheel on each side. It would make flip flopping a bit of pain in the arse otherwise cos you'd have to adjust the EBB as well as flipping the wheel around.
Why not use long Campy horizontals, as suggested above? Makes fixing punctures and flip flopping very quick and is much simpler than an EBB. Not hi tech enough? :)