• #2
the pope's purple envoy?
I only guess that cos his marker is further, that's not to say the rabbi won then eased back
• #3
the padre? he looks handy.
• #4
actually, a padre is a military chaplain..
C of E one assumes.
apologies for my poor grasp of religious representatives
• #5
Better this than than peddling nasty misanthropic mythology to children as inerrant truth.
Excuse the pun.
• #6
my monies are on the rabbi.
I was raised Catholic (well I was made to go to church as a kid, thats all) so I shouldn't care who wins. I should probably guess that God smites them both or something.
I'm not a religious person though so I shall guess on the skinnier guy.
• #7
. Better this than than peddling nasty misanthropic mythology to children as inerrant truth.
Excuse the pun.
if thats the case, the christain is the more aggressive peddler.
• #8
kilgore_trout if thats the case, the christain is the more aggressive peddler.
With the catholic church's recent proclivity towards child rape and pedophilia, I think neither of them would have a chance against a reverend father with a picture of a young boy's backside pinned in front of the bike.
• #9
Neither. It was a Sunday and they refused to work?
• #10
it doesnt matter who won once you notice the socks the chritian guy is wearing
• #11
danger joel it doesnt matter who won once you notice the socks the chritian guy is wearing
You spelt 'charlatan' wrong.
• #12
those socks nearly put me to shame. they don't though, because mine are not only more colourful, but they also don't match.
• #13
i thought they were his 'king of the mountains' socks
• #14
wayne_f14 i thought they were his 'king of the mountains' socks
KOM @ night.
• #15
They are his Vatican issued 'king of the mounting' socks.
The "Pedalling Pardray" took on the "Rollin' Rabbi" for the title of "Minister of Spin"...
any guesses who won?