• #27
Mouse Yorgo, lovin the fixed gear coverage in Intersection! This / last months fashion spread - did you get to look at that twonfro gear up close? My mrs is interested in the girls stuff.
twonfro is my friend Karta's brand, I saw him last night (at a GATECRASHED art party of course), and he told me he's setting up a showroom on his boat (he lives on a boat near albert bridge. Will try to find out more, going there on sat.
• #28
Cool, keep us posted.
• #29
And tell him to improve his website. It doesn't really tell us anything.
I'm interested too and didn't know you knew him.
• #30
Whoever said "there's no such thing as a free lunch" never worked in the media....
• #31
Or the music industry.
But then, it's not free. It's why wages are low.
• #32
I get free lunches too and I work in the chemicals industry. Loads of free lunches although I suppose I pay in boredom during the meetings that surround the free lunches
• #33
Those videos off the intersection website do a shit-hot job of encouraging emulation of the type of anti-social behaviour that helps to get cyclists/pedestrians killed.
The fuck-you buddy attitude that says "I've got a big car and a lot of money, I have the right to drive anywhere and anyhow I please."
A 4x4 is not a skateboard.Bravo, top marks.
• #34
I've seen the Nissan Qashqai ad and can confirm that a 4x4 is indeed a skateboard.
...or that some lazy creatives saw the Girl/Chocolate video 'Yeah Right' and thought 'that'll do'.
• #35
are you trying to tell me that you/most of us dont have a bit of a fuck you im on a bike attitude when whizzing around london?????
i agree that people in cars need to know whats going on a bit more, pay attention an stop driving like dicks
boys and there toy will likely always show off and do stupid dangerous stuff, its the way most fellas chemistry works
• #36
Appealing to your inner-child: Go cripple a kid, clog the streets and poison the city air.
Yeah right is a bloody good vid too.
• #37
I've tried very hard to kill somebody with my bike, not enough weight, not enough speed.
I don't think encouraging any attitude other than:
concentrate, slow down, turn off the fucking music
should apply when someone is driving a two tonne kübelwagen.
Cars aren't toys - or bikes - or skateboards: FACT.
• #38
@ Ma3k: you got the DVD boxset? Now that I want. The skating through the woods in 'Mouse' is tops.
• #40
Nope. Sounds like I may have one soon, though ;o)
• #41
Yeah cool send me an email (profile page) otherwise I'll forget.
Will either burn you a copy or lend you a mem stick.
Seems like a lot of hard work an effort, just pay ya tight c***! ;-)[/quote]
Gatecrashing becomes a sport... The satisfaction of getting in is quite nice. In any case this doesn't apply to "paying" events, just to private views, openings, launch parties where it's a free for all inside and a guest list/invite only door policy.