has white colour scheme, anodized red hubs for "oh-so-now" effect. sugino 42t chainring for those hors categorie cols on the way to soho. ironic tupe map underlaid. homage to sex pistols in recognition of anti-capitalist ethos of both maker and buyer, encapsulating nihilism of '77 in commercial, materialistic form. slyly references 'foxtonmini' school of graphic design for the spiritually dead flotsam jetsam of 2007.
the shoreditch langster:
has white colour scheme, anodized red hubs for "oh-so-now" effect. sugino 42t chainring for those hors categorie cols on the way to soho. ironic tupe map underlaid. homage to sex pistols in recognition of anti-capitalist ethos of both maker and buyer, encapsulating nihilism of '77 in commercial, materialistic form. slyly references 'foxtonmini' school of graphic design for the spiritually dead
flotsamjetsam of 2007.oh.