anyone saw the deer herds today out there ? amazing ! 5m close that one male. a serious steed.
luckily my silent orange track frame* camouflaged nicley into the background so I was unnoticed.
I did 2 rounds but I only spotted roadies which where all friendly at the cafe and full of interest btw.
I got the impression them have no problem with no other style of riding.
One even pointed out my 1LC sticker (I know, Iknow).
We got into a chat and he used to be a TTer and rode FG for training purposes but obviously found my
straight bars a bit stupid. So its all good in Richmond Park
oh sorry I forgot BSNYC ordered them to be called fixed freestyle bikes now :)
anyone saw the deer herds today out there ? amazing ! 5m close that one male. a serious steed.
luckily my silent orange track frame* camouflaged nicley into the background so I was unnoticed.
I did 2 rounds but I only spotted roadies which where all friendly at the cafe and full of interest btw.
I got the impression them have no problem with no other style of riding.
One even pointed out my 1LC sticker (I know, Iknow).
We got into a chat and he used to be a TTer and rode FG for training purposes but obviously found my
straight bars a bit stupid. So its all good in Richmond Park