• just to add in my tuppence,
    really liked the flyer, saw it when it first went up and it really made me happy "bags that love ya back" - good line.
    All the other stuff comes from this being a forum and people liking to discuss, debate and generally get their point of view across.
    Obviously I'm slightly biased as I'm getting some Archie Gro Bags, so feel the need to defend and debate this issue. Tallsam and LPG make valid points but it is just a flyer to introduce the brand to the forum. Right now as far as I'm aware no one outside the forum actually even knows the bags exist, apart from friends and family of Scott not Scot - correct me if I'm wrong Scott.
    So whilst your points are valid and respected, it would have been best to address those issues directly to Scott and Wayne, thats what the whisper is for.
    Personally I think its great that we've gone from one thread where Scott was looking for a name, to another thread days later with a fully fledged flyer for previous bag with no name.
