Bonking - a shortage of cake
skip-stops - a way of increasing Michelin share prices
loose chain - what you have 2 seconds before an earth-sky-earth-sky-ambulance moment
one less car - "My grammar is appalling"
cup & cone bearings - You will spend a lot of time with your hands covered in grease and that mysterious black dust scrabbling around under cupboards looking for recalcitrant bearings
Bonking - a shortage of cake
skip-stops - a way of increasing Michelin share prices
loose chain - what you have 2 seconds before an earth-sky-earth-sky-ambulance moment
one less car - "My grammar is appalling"
cup & cone bearings - You will spend a lot of time with your hands covered in grease and that mysterious black dust scrabbling around under cupboards looking for recalcitrant bearings