mini tt's fucking rule! after boston's [not so] infamous schlitz blitz we'd go from the alley where it was held to a playground with a running track, though on (i guess turn 4) it wasn't a straight oval, it had a zig/'s' in it which brought about large amounts of eating turf and slamming into the fence. i think for 3 laps the best time put up was like 30seconds with 45seconds being an average*^
*averages may be slightly skewed in that some participants fell numerous times and took a while to get up in their drunken stupor
^averages may be slightly skewed in that some participants fell numerous times and attempted to run the remaining laps wearing clipless shoes.
mini tt's fucking rule! after boston's [not so] infamous schlitz blitz we'd go from the alley where it was held to a playground with a running track, though on (i guess turn 4) it wasn't a straight oval, it had a zig/'s' in it which brought about large amounts of eating turf and slamming into the fence. i think for 3 laps the best time put up was like 30seconds with 45seconds being an average*^
*averages may be slightly skewed in that some participants fell numerous times and took a while to get up in their drunken stupor
^averages may be slightly skewed in that some participants fell numerous times and attempted to run the remaining laps wearing clipless shoes.