• #477
The dillinger escape plan are amazing. I can't wait to see them November/December :)
Yah, the new Every Time I Die is a bit odd. Just feels a bit diluted.
• #478
- Anyone seeing The Hilltop Hoods at the 'Bush on Saturday?
- Anyone fancy a massive scoob/pint/both beforehand?
- Anyone seeing The Hilltop Hoods at the 'Bush on Saturday?
• #479
currently on heavy rotation
• #480
rg37- hows the bob jackson looking?
• #481
dillinger to ease your hangover
• #482
Dillinger Escape Plan do my head in slightly.
Currently, Kyuss - Blues for the Red Sun. Glad to see some rock fans here though. -
• #483
love kyuss
• #484
One of the greatest albums of modern times. -
• #485
fuckin aye
• #486
Fal haha, yea I am but only until this friday... then I'm coming to London! Trying to work my way through some of the beers this week, most interesting so far has been kwack, comes in a bulb glass with a wooden stand!
Yeah, they have Kwak in some of the Belgian bars here. It's too weird not to! :)
• #487
This video looks like a boy band trying to play hard. Maybe I'm just old and jaded. This is how it should be done..
• #488
BRM666 1. Anyone seeing The Hilltop Hoods at the 'Bush on Saturday?
- Anyone fancy a massive scoob/pint/both beforehand?
Nice. Adelaide yeah?
- Anyone fancy a massive scoob/pint/both beforehand?
• #489
They were quality. The support band were shiite. And I mean 10 pounds of crap in a five pound bag shiite. I think they were called 'Beer and Rap' or summat.
The 'Hoods were mint-ox, they really were.
Nice vid, Hippy. -
• #490
hippy [quote]Stef http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=OveVpFTGNME
This video looks like a boy band trying to play hard. Maybe I'm just old and jaded. This is how it should be done..
lol do your homework grandpa! everytime i die have been around for almost 10 years now, used to do hardocre , then got in metal a bit more...embrace the evolution
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
p.s. isn't a little obvious the video's a pisstake?
edit: i've seen pantera live and you're rite they WERE the shit, still though Dank Jones's the hardest man on stage i've seen. -
• #491
"Arr.. Back in my day.."
"Which one of you young whipper snapper has taken my damned zimmerfixie?"
I still listen to Deep Purple and they were playing their best gigs 15 years before I was born! :)
I don't listen to much metal these days.. I'm a technohead.. so I wouldn't know anything about 'real' music anyway :) -
• #492
This is pretty cool.. sounds a lot like acdc (my first ever CD was an acdc one)
But this is more like what I was into during my more rebel years..
• #493
• #494
Start of that vid reminded me of:
Always liked that song... Dont really like glassjaw though.
• #495
i tend to listen to a lot of glassjaw when i'm feeling misogynistic...them and pig destroyer.
• #496
Rubber Johnny reminds me of..
• #498
Killgore you wouldn't happen to know if glassjaw are reforming? I say I don't like them but i listen to them a lot...
I haven't heard that autechre song hippy... i like it.
• #499
Check out all the releases on Warp records if you like that kinda stuff.
• #500
that just gave me a ear ache, must be hung over....