bump put it this way, i found the service at condor preferable : /
by saying this do u mean the guys in condor are idiots?.. (here comes the story)
i sure hope so, during the summer when i was couriering i had a puncture, second of the day, different wheel though, and didnt have my spare tyre because i used it on the front in the morning. problem was that when i found out i had a puncture, around farringdon i already had some pacages on board to deliever, i went to condor, cycling and running with the bike to get there, but only had a quid on me, when i got to condor they made me lock my bike outside before they would talk to me and then said that they couldnt give me a tyre and then me pay them back the next day because i wasnt a "regular". then, as i was walking out the door they said, "we do have a patch you can use" which is all i wanted all along. they gave me the patch whitch i had enough for and then made out like it was a big deal that i could use their glue free of charge. all in all they were a bunch of complete knobs to me snd made me wait quite some time to get a response considering they could tell i was fixing against the clock and the controler was shouting down the radio to me to hurry up all the time.
i can tell you, im not going to condor again. all the times iv been to blb they have been okay to me and have always had enough time to talk and let me use their tools.
by saying this do u mean the guys in condor are idiots?.. (here comes the story)
i sure hope so, during the summer when i was couriering i had a puncture, second of the day, different wheel though, and didnt have my spare tyre because i used it on the front in the morning. problem was that when i found out i had a puncture, around farringdon i already had some pacages on board to deliever, i went to condor, cycling and running with the bike to get there, but only had a quid on me, when i got to condor they made me lock my bike outside before they would talk to me and then said that they couldnt give me a tyre and then me pay them back the next day because i wasnt a "regular". then, as i was walking out the door they said, "we do have a patch you can use" which is all i wanted all along. they gave me the patch whitch i had enough for and then made out like it was a big deal that i could use their glue free of charge. all in all they were a bunch of complete knobs to me snd made me wait quite some time to get a response considering they could tell i was fixing against the clock and the controler was shouting down the radio to me to hurry up all the time.
i can tell you, im not going to condor again. all the times iv been to blb they have been okay to me and have always had enough time to talk and let me use their tools.