So, as is well documented hereabouts, I've been waiting a while and a half for my Witcomb.
As is his wont, Barrie assured me he could source a Nitto Pearl and some 123s.
I already had a Jaguar on order from eBay.
Dropped off a bunch of parts to SE8 the other week, only to be told that I was still Nitto-free.
So off I jog to CONdor, who inform me they have a container load of all things Nitto on the high seas, ETA last Wednesday. Having listened to the sound of silence for long enough I called up this a.m. only to be informed the vessel was now expected "end November". CNUts.
Time to go stemless?
I think not.
Time to break my unbreakable rule and give a well-known establishment on the Bethnal Green Road one last chance?
So, as is well documented hereabouts, I've been waiting a while and a half for my Witcomb.
As is his wont, Barrie assured me he could source a Nitto Pearl and some 123s.
I already had a Jaguar on order from eBay.
Dropped off a bunch of parts to SE8 the other week, only to be told that I was still Nitto-free.
So off I jog to CONdor, who inform me they have a container load of all things Nitto on the high seas, ETA last Wednesday. Having listened to the sound of silence for long enough I called up this a.m. only to be informed the vessel was now expected "end November". CNUts.
Time to go stemless?
I think not.
Time to break my unbreakable rule and give a well-known establishment on the Bethnal Green Road one last chance?
Waste of valuable drinking time. Never again.