There is nothing in the information pack about what you need to show that you're registered to enter. They probably want you to wear the red cotton bib that was provided, but I'll just carry it in my bag. Maybe if you haven't registered, you might be able to get into the middle of a mass of riders from a hub going to the start point. Although I think that the barriers they use to close roads off will be jumpable with a bike.
My gf is unlikely to commute on a bike, but then she hardly rides as it is. I'm hoping that this will get her interest raised a bit more and she might start coming out on rides with me. It's a start.
Yes, I know that the whole tone of the event is to say - riding bikes in London is only safe on closed roads with bright coloured bibs. But some people might realise on their rides down to the hubs (ok, so some idiots will drive) that it isn't as bad as it seems. What would've really helped would've been a small leaflet with a few bits out of cyclecraft (Don't ride in the gutter!) included in the starter pack.
Anyway, a few spits of rain, and most people won't even turn up.
There is nothing in the information pack about what you need to show that you're registered to enter. They probably want you to wear the red cotton bib that was provided, but I'll just carry it in my bag. Maybe if you haven't registered, you might be able to get into the middle of a mass of riders from a hub going to the start point. Although I think that the barriers they use to close roads off will be jumpable with a bike.
My gf is unlikely to commute on a bike, but then she hardly rides as it is. I'm hoping that this will get her interest raised a bit more and she might start coming out on rides with me. It's a start.
Yes, I know that the whole tone of the event is to say - riding bikes in London is only safe on closed roads with bright coloured bibs. But some people might realise on their rides down to the hubs (ok, so some idiots will drive) that it isn't as bad as it seems. What would've really helped would've been a small leaflet with a few bits out of cyclecraft (Don't ride in the gutter!) included in the starter pack.
Anyway, a few spits of rain, and most people won't even turn up.