I didn't ride home tonight as I had to carry a laptop. In honor of this supreme act of self-sacrifice, I forced myself to consume beer instead of lunch and then avoided returning to the office for a number of hours :)
just curious -- why wouldn't you ride home with a laptop? Is it because it's too bulky or do you prefer not to risk damaging it? I ride with mine in a shoulder bag quite often -- the hard disk failed after less than a year, but then I got a carrying pouch made out of quite thick shock-absorby material and it's been fine for years ever since (tw).
just curious -- why wouldn't you ride home with a laptop? Is it because it's too bulky or do you prefer not to risk damaging it? I ride with mine in a shoulder bag quite often -- the hard disk failed after less than a year, but then I got a carrying pouch made out of quite thick shock-absorby material and it's been fine for years ever since (tw).