I seem to have collected an unholy number of 1" quill stems (at least 4-5), none are particularly sexy, mostly kalloy or old SR stuff, but if people are meeting up for a general swapping of stems would happily turn up to swap what I've got for juice (don't drink beer) or a good story, don't think any of these are worth hard cash. If I could find a venue would anyone be interested in some kind of monthly swap meet, nothing too commercial, just a turn up and over a beer/juice show everyone what you've got to swap, see if anyone's got what you want/need?
I seem to have collected an unholy number of 1" quill stems (at least 4-5), none are particularly sexy, mostly kalloy or old SR stuff, but if people are meeting up for a general swapping of stems would happily turn up to swap what I've got for juice (don't drink beer) or a good story, don't think any of these are worth hard cash. If I could find a venue would anyone be interested in some kind of monthly swap meet, nothing too commercial, just a turn up and over a beer/juice show everyone what you've got to swap, see if anyone's got what you want/need?