I often have to politely tap on cars or windows to remind drivers that I am still there on the roads. Its not as bad here in Aus as the roads are bigger and they have more bike lanes. But back in England ppl give you all of about 10 cm width to ride in, unless you ride a foot or more out from the pavement and then they'll only give you 10cm ontop of that so its kind of a no win but its best to not ride over the storm drains and shit.
I often have to politely tap on cars or windows to remind drivers that I am still there on the roads. Its not as bad here in Aus as the roads are bigger and they have more bike lanes. But back in England ppl give you all of about 10 cm width to ride in, unless you ride a foot or more out from the pavement and then they'll only give you 10cm ontop of that so its kind of a no win but its best to not ride over the storm drains and shit.