edmundane a beater fix will do you good eeehhhh
build it up, ride it in some mud & gunk, dont clean it apart from the drivechain. unnickable :)
Yeah, that's my plan. The tube everyday for 30 mins, no thanks. Plus I'd then have to go to a gym to stay in shape. Bike solves both.
I think I'll wait until I've moved to uni. That way I can siphon off funds from my loan without anyone going on about me "saving" money for when I move there.
Yeah, that's my plan. The tube everyday for 30 mins, no thanks. Plus I'd then have to go to a gym to stay in shape. Bike solves both.
I think I'll wait until I've moved to uni. That way I can siphon off funds from my loan without anyone going on about me "saving" money for when I move there.