• I converted an 80s peugeot frame and I threw the seatpost away!!! I then read a forum post somewhere saying that it was impossible to get hold of 24.8mm posts. I ran to the bin and found it. I was very lucky.

    There was a guy at Brick Lane Bikes recently who had his Peugeot resprayed and stripped and had all the brazings taken off. He spent a lot of money on it £600+ When he came to pick it up he realised that the post he had wasn't the original and so he had no seat post. We tried to get one in but they just don't exist. I recommend Brick Lane Market..... there are tons of old seatposts on the stalls, of about the same age as your bike. I'm sure you'll find one there.

    The peugeot seat post is a real pain! And it's so f**cking thin.... it looks silly. I know, cause I have to look at it every day!
