• #2
I'm not sure how that makes you a fakenger. Strap a fake walkie talkie to your bag and then I won't disagree.
• #3
theres no such thing as a fakenger! its an urban myth
• #4
what are all the people at bike polo. ooooh, did i just say that.
• #5
If your back pack is giving you the hump you should get a new one. There are many good one out there so go to a shop and try them out. Do not put up with bad backpacks.
• #6
dogsballs what are all the people at bike polo. ooooh, did i just say that.
polo players
• #7
I like black Bob Jacksons
• #8
OCD I like black Bob Jacksons
But I couldn't eat more than one.
• #9
Just so you know.. roadiescum worldwide have been riding fixed longer than London couriers.. nyer! Trackies oddly enough, even longer..
• #10
by your definition, even messengers fall under the fakenger label.
let's just stop using this word can we? -
• #11
David K [quote]OCD I like black Bob Jacksons
But I couldn't eat more than one.[/quote]
I couldn't afford more than one to eat- on that note anyone know of a good lock?
• #12
do you wear the same shorts every day??? or do you have a wardrobe full of blue shorts?
I've been riding fixed longer than the cycle courier (as we know it) has existed in London....so there...................... they are all fakewinstoners
• #13
same shorts everyday- washed on weekend! rain or shine too- which was hard this summer.
Oh, Im proud then to be a fakenston?
Or whatever- i just love my bike. -
• #14
winston do you wear the same shorts every day??? or do you have a wardrobe full of blue shorts?
Like batman.
• #15
i want to be a fakewinston!
• #16
I've been going through his bins for weeks now.. I will soon become the real winston... mwuahahahahaaaaa!
(It's ok winston that sentence was type purely for humour value and I haven't really been going through your bins.. your electricity bill is overdue, btw) -
• #17
I know, second warning right?
• #18
winston is the illigitimet spawn of the chuckster!...he will crush you hippyroo
• #19
htay Or whatever- i just love my bike.
You practise safe sex right? Always wear a helmet.
• #20
[cite] David K.
You practise safe sex right? Always wear a helmet.[/quote]
Our relationship hasn't gotten to that stage yet.
• #21
i'm on smeone's phone as stef fakenger...
• #22
What is the definitive fakenger?
A person with a fixie, pierced/tattooed, carrying a messanger bag, who tends to wear jeans and a vest\t-shirt to cycle in?Okay less of the sarcasm, surely we're all just people who enjoy riding but are being pigeon-holed for the sake of it?
• #23
please let this subject die!!!!!!
• #24
aidan winston is the illigitimet spawn of the chuckster!...he will crush you hippyroo
I fight dirty though.
• #25
Nothing like a good fakenger thread to fire up the forum masses :)
I ride a fixed-wheel Bob Jackson. I have a front brake.
I haven't quite gotten to grips with it yet, yet ride it every day ( and not just for commuting- you'll find me in Richmond Park) since I've gotten it ( a week ago), because i love the feeling (Considering i'm a mountain bike-aholic) thats quite a change.
I am a student, and will probably use this bike for the whole of my student life (i hope- thiefs permitting). And at the moment I commute to Soho.
Therefore I am a fakenger. And proud.
But I do really love the bike, and have nothing but respect for all messengers out there. And i am totally obsessed with all things bike- ask my current workmates about time spent at windows, etc.
I blame my cousin to be honest- he came over from Tucson full of enthusiasm and then we rode for a day on some old raleighs- not fixed, but a lovely bike i had worked on for my dad. And then i rode a fixed-wheel. And then it started. And i blame everyone at Putney Cycles for just being too damn nice to me as well- even through all the trouble with the raleigh/ rotary(peugeot) build attempt. Especially Alex.
So if you see a black Bob Jackson with a kid on it, wearing blue shorts and carrying a 'hump' backpack, and feel like screaming/ teaching me something/ just saying 'hi'/ or whatever. Feel free.