Of course the hard bit is fixing them and the Purpulator has a normal freewheel hub with the sprocket wound on super tight with locktite (you won't be winning any skid comps on this). No...no lockring. tactical welding can help.
I'd be up for building some 20" wheels with flip-flop hubs so they can run fixed and ss. And I'd be up for teaching a group to build/fix if folk are interested?
A 5v5 fixed shopper match is going to happen (in time fors tha Film Festival tournament).
The Purpulator Fixed Shopper?
Why it rules?
....so who wants one? Actually theyr'e everywhere and in many skips all over the place. You can probably pick one up at Waltham Forest:
or if you fancy a trip to historic oxford come to the awesome OCW (we always have shoppers because we fucking love capitalism and shopping of course):
Of course the hard bit is fixing them and the Purpulator has a normal freewheel hub with the sprocket wound on super tight with locktite (you won't be winning any skid comps on this). No...no lockring. tactical welding can help.
I'd be up for building some 20" wheels with flip-flop hubs so they can run fixed and ss. And I'd be up for teaching a group to build/fix if folk are interested?
A 5v5 fixed shopper match is going to happen (in time fors tha Film Festival tournament).
Imagine the freekin mirthathon we'll have.
So we need another nine building. Who is in?