Over the years in an attempt to get the weight down on my bikes (my current SS klein with slicks weighs a smidge under 14lb) I have dumped heavy stock parts and replaced them with some of my home made efforts, chain guides, shifters, brake levers etc - around Klein number five I removed the front and rear gears + shifters during one such attempt to modify them, that must have been around 2003 - and they never went back on as I found I didn't really need them in London.
Any pics of these mods?
I'm not the best person to tell you of the benefits in switching from single speed free wheel to fixed. But here goes:
You can ride backwards (with practice) - totally useful. You'll probably give up riding forwards altogether.
You don't have to have brakes on your bike which will probably really appeal to you being a weight weenie - it is however illegal to ride a bike without brakes. But fuck it you'll be an awesome urban outlaw from now on so probably won't care. Red lights will be invisible to you. You'll be like Robin Hood but on a bike and with worse clothes.
The bike looks cleaner and less cluttered - because bikes are only for looking at
Your knees will wear out quicker or become more improved and somehow work better depending on who you ask.
You can skid the back wheel which I'm sure is something you've totally been dying to do but unable to do on your freewheel bike
The pedals will always move round when the wheels are moving. This is great when you're riding close to kerbs or leaning into a corner.
You're part of the scene!!!!!!!!! Go nuts, get yourself a bunch of tattoos, hang your keys from a chain and always wear a cycling cap. PPL will know you're totally hip and may even mistake you for a bicycle messenger courier.... which would be totally sweet. Dude.
Any pics of these mods?
I'm not the best person to tell you of the benefits in switching from single speed free wheel to fixed. But here goes:
messengercourier.... which would be totally sweet. Dude.tallsam removes tongue from cheek.
Sorry. I'm a cunt.