the-smiling-buddha Calling someone ignorant, just because they disagree with you is in fact rather patronizing don't you think..? a person is entitled to have an opinion and to express that opinion, that is called free speech. The only point I made in my first post was to call the 'inconvenient truth' a load of bollox, provocative yes, but I did it because I wanted to provoke not because I am ignorant of climate change. I was curious to see what the reaction would be, so far I have been called ignorant and a 'git' which seems to rather bear out what they were saying on this radio show I was listening to doesn't it..?
Secondly I am studying from my masters degree so I know all about being a student, I know all the big fancy words, I know all the academic procedures, this is a bicycle forum, I ain't getting marks, so wiki is adequate enough.
I didn't intend to cause offense, the-smiling-buddha, by calling you ignorant. From my perspective I feel that, through what you were saying, you weren't aware of what I (and many others) believe to be the facts. Obviously you have the 'right' (I hate using that word) to think otherwise.
Calling you a git was meant in jest, not seriously. Again, sorry if it offended you!
Samsonite I don't want to tread on anybody's toes here, but can we just talk about bikes rather than bickering?
Unxetas is right. Too many forums are ruined by people fighting over stuff that really doesn't matter - I'm talking about seeing who's cleverest, not global warming - and I'd hate to see this one go the same way
No offence is intended to anyone, by the way...
I'm going to agree to disagree - arguing on the internet is so stupid. Leave it to C+...
I didn't intend to cause offense, the-smiling-buddha, by calling you ignorant. From my perspective I feel that, through what you were saying, you weren't aware of what I (and many others) believe to be the facts. Obviously you have the 'right' (I hate using that word) to think otherwise.
Calling you a git was meant in jest, not seriously. Again, sorry if it offended you!
I'm going to agree to disagree - arguing on the internet is so stupid. Leave it to C+...