Just thought I'd never heard of track cycling at all before I moved to London, so I decided to do a bit of googling. Just found out there's 2 or 3 outdoor tracks with really shallow banked bends.. But now they're building this http://www.superciclismo.pt/content/view/334/204/
which looks pretty amazing. It is about 230km away from the capital but hopefully it'll get used..
Just found a video as well of one of the national races and I couldn't believe they had their brakes on!
..is funny!
Just thought I'd never heard of track cycling at all before I moved to London, so I decided to do a bit of googling. Just found out there's 2 or 3 outdoor tracks with really shallow banked bends.. But now they're building this http://www.superciclismo.pt/content/view/334/204/
which looks pretty amazing. It is about 230km away from the capital but hopefully it'll get used..
Just found a video as well of one of the national races and I couldn't believe they had their brakes on!