I love it when people say, cow emit x many tones of C02 so lets get ride of cows, or people produce loads of c02 by breathing. Many people seem to struggle with the concept of the carbon cycle,a concept than most school children have no problem with.
Most people liek to go along with the crowd and not analise the arument which they are given, plus there is now a lack of trust in men in suites. There is a documentary on this week about hte rise in cults and odd spirituallity and how people are turning their back or science and reason. This brings up an important point. People, the public what ever you whish to call them, as a whole have lost faith in authority figures. Most of these figures are people like politicians, e.t.c. We rely on the information and judgement of these people to run our country, economy, foreign policy e.t.c. This lack have trust has shown it's self in terms of voter apathy, and in some areas the rise of fringe parties such as the BNP e.t.c. Another form of authority is of course the scintific community. The mistrust of authority figures, combined with lack of understanding of how the scientifc world works, add on the minipulation of the media and fianally the point that the course of action agaisnst golbal warming will requre personal sacifice, is it any wonder that the public are receptive to any kind of counter argument, no matter how weak?
I love it when people say, cow emit x many tones of C02 so lets get ride of cows, or people produce loads of c02 by breathing. Many people seem to struggle with the concept of the carbon cycle,a concept than most school children have no problem with.
Most people liek to go along with the crowd and not analise the arument which they are given, plus there is now a lack of trust in men in suites. There is a documentary on this week about hte rise in cults and odd spirituallity and how people are turning their back or science and reason. This brings up an important point. People, the public what ever you whish to call them, as a whole have lost faith in authority figures. Most of these figures are people like politicians, e.t.c. We rely on the information and judgement of these people to run our country, economy, foreign policy e.t.c. This lack have trust has shown it's self in terms of voter apathy, and in some areas the rise of fringe parties such as the BNP e.t.c. Another form of authority is of course the scintific community. The mistrust of authority figures, combined with lack of understanding of how the scientifc world works, add on the minipulation of the media and fianally the point that the course of action agaisnst golbal warming will requre personal sacifice, is it any wonder that the public are receptive to any kind of counter argument, no matter how weak?