I'm sorry to hear about your bike. I guess one of the only good things to come out of it are that Johnny Cycles frames are incredibly rare over here (rare anyway), so its going to stick out like a sore thumb when it turns up. If you haven't already post some pictures in the Stolen bike thread and here. I'd also post something on Moving target as well. Those messenger kids are pretty good at spotting stolen gear.
Best bet for frames are the bike jumbles (Ripley bike jumble can often turn up some gems). Brick Lane Bikes often have some nice 2nd hand frames.
Try also Roberto on this forum as well, deals a lot in 2nd hand track stuff on Ebay.
I'm sorry to hear about your bike. I guess one of the only good things to come out of it are that Johnny Cycles frames are incredibly rare over here (rare anyway), so its going to stick out like a sore thumb when it turns up. If you haven't already post some pictures in the Stolen bike thread and here. I'd also post something on Moving target as well. Those messenger kids are pretty good at spotting stolen gear.
Best bet for frames are the bike jumbles (Ripley bike jumble can often turn up some gems). Brick Lane Bikes often have some nice 2nd hand frames.
Try also Roberto on this forum as well, deals a lot in 2nd hand track stuff on Ebay.