• #2
Paraffin, white spirit... any strong solvent. I use zippo lighter fuel
• #3
Funnily enough I did this earlier today(!)
I used something called "Sprad Sticky Stuff Remover" which comes in an aeresol from a local harware shop. It worked a treat.
• #4
from my experience lighter fluid works best
• #5
Yeah, nice buzz.
• #6
just no smoking when you do it
• #7
Rubbing (isopropol?) alcohol works ok with a little effort.
"Goo-gone" is pretty awesome at getting ride of stuff like this, but I'm not too sure if you can buy it in the UK.
• #8
I would have it bead blasted, electroplated and then powder-coated hot pink.
• #9
I generally just rub it off with my hands. It's such a satisfying job.
• #10
tallsam I generally just rub it off with my hands. It's such a satisfying job.
Said the actress to the bishop...
• #11
small tin of zippo lighter fluid and an old rag worked brilliantly. cheers guys
heres a pic of what they came out like.
clean and sexy
• #12
You're not keeping those safety levers on there are you? Evil things!
http://www.sheldonbrown.com/gloss_e-f.html#extensionlevers -
• #13
Yep I'm wiht hippyon that one wip 'em off!
• #14
dont worry, they'll be gone soon enough
• #15
evil things right you are, i never use them and they make this annoying rattling noises over bumpy road, which in england is all the time. im waiting for pay day to get rid of them and just get a new single front brake lever
• #16
You can take them off and put the bolts back in.. the 'normal' brakes will still work.. it saves weight AND it's free! Booya!
anyone know any good methods of getting old dirty uber sticky bartape glue off of the bars after removing the tape. ideas so far; nail varnish, white spirit and some paint stripper chemical my pops said.
ideas anyone?