Any suggestions on the following problem very welcome!
Having had new headset bearings fitted to my bike I find that the front brake will no longer fit.
The fork crown race appears to be too low on the forks, not leaving enough space for the brake to fit in underneath. I initially filed a small amount off the brake which enabled me to fit it but it seems like a bodge and the clearance is very tight on steering.
Is it possible that the LBS who refitted the forks have re-cut the seat? Is it normal to do this? If so, does anyone know if spacers can be fitted to give me some clearance. Or any other suggestions?!
Hi all.
Any suggestions on the following problem very welcome!
Having had new headset bearings fitted to my bike I find that the front brake will no longer fit.
The fork crown race appears to be too low on the forks, not leaving enough space for the brake to fit in underneath. I initially filed a small amount off the brake which enabled me to fit it but it seems like a bodge and the clearance is very tight on steering.
Is it possible that the LBS who refitted the forks have re-cut the seat? Is it normal to do this? If so, does anyone know if spacers can be fitted to give me some clearance. Or any other suggestions?!
Many thanks,