• hippy [quote]cornelius blackfoot http://velospace.org/node/1183

    Ahh.. I thought it was fixed. I've seen a similar machine to that before.. possibly the same one. Lots of club racers are using deep dish rims now.
    Scary thinking about the cost of a crash!
    Think it was on here: http://londoncyclesport.com but I can't get any of the "Your Bikes" pages to load.[/quote]

    thats the thing being on a fixed forum, everytime I say I like this or that bike everyone assumes its fixed, must make myself clearer next time...

    Mouse Saw a bloke on a Cervelo Soloist Carbon with Zipp rims on Holland Park Ave this morning. Fully togged up with Rapha shirt (not pink Hippy) - everything screaming 'all the gear, no idea'. I pulled up and was trackstanding next to him, having a bit of a chat (basically about how nice his kit was). As the light changed we were still chatting - I pulled off, he went for his pedal, didn't engage and very nearly ended up on his arse. Conversation ended there as I carried on and he floundered in the middle of the road. I'm ashamed to admit that it made my morning.

    Truth is, I'm only jealous of his kit and really sorry if it's anyone on this forum! ;o)

    LOL. Very amusing, though I'm pretty sure we've all had pedal moments like that, I almost had one last night...
