got a spare pair of continental 26mm MTB inner tubes going for free to anyone who wants them.
I ordered a tyre set from wiggle: a pair of conti gp4000 and pair of inner tubes. for some bizarre reason they sent me mtb tubes which would fit around the outside of the tyres quite comfortably i think.. anyway, I told them and they sent me some of their special super heavy weight 18-25 inners for free, so in the interests of sharing the wealth, the MTB tubes are now going free too.
got a spare pair of continental 26mm MTB inner tubes going for free to anyone who wants them.
I ordered a tyre set from wiggle: a pair of conti gp4000 and pair of inner tubes. for some bizarre reason they sent me mtb tubes which would fit around the outside of the tyres quite comfortably i think.. anyway, I told them and they sent me some of their special super heavy weight 18-25 inners for free, so in the interests of sharing the wealth, the MTB tubes are now going free too.