• #2
No it's only wrong if you follow her at a distence all the way home and then all the way back in the morning (or so that what the judge tells me).
• #3
ah, that's why you are not allowed 5 sq miles near west london ;^)
• #4
Conan: How do you know a woman is riding it? Didn't you know the best theft deterant is to use a girl's bike - no thief will nick 'em!!
Red-head fixer girl riding through Broadgate earlier..
Jos: We're you in Broadgate circle? Some dude in here looked like you.
JimmyP: Thanks for the seatpost! -
• #5
We had some words on similar vein here
http://www.movingtargetzine.com/forum/discussion/242/is-it-wrong/ -
• #6
wide handlebars? greeny blue colour frame? do you work at nickelodeon?
• #7
Thats the one, no i work at MTV but same thing at the end of the day 'viacom'. Who is it then?
• #8
i once saw 2, yes 2! real fit roadie girls wearing lycra on their flashy 5 kilo machines when i was on my shittiest bike. dang. still managed to keep up with them for a bit to keep an eye on the backside though :P
if i wasn't with my friend who's got a backpain with a shopper i would have raced them down the embankment. -
• #9
JimmyP: Thanks for the seatpost!No worries fella...hope it works out for you.
I have...for the last two days in a row...seen a girl on a butter coloured SS (I knew is was SS cos she was coasting) on Threadneedle Street EC2. Frame looked really nice but was v.small. I wasn't close enough to ask anything but she was with a guy riding a geared bike. Anyone seen her?
• #10
I saw a chick riding cream/light brown frame with bullhorns + brown tape.
• #11
Wasn't close enough...but I think it had drops.
• #12
For all you single guys out there= http://groups.myspace.com/chixonfix
• #13
more bike porn?
• #14
Conan Thats the one, no i work at MTV but same thing at the end of the day 'viacom'. Who is it then?
my friend's.. she works for nickelodeon and has a boyfriend
• #15
glow [quote]Conan Thats the one, no i work at MTV but same thing at the end of the day 'viacom'. Who is it then?
my friend's.. she works for nickelodeon and has a boyfriend[/quote]
I work for Northone tv in the same building :D small world this fixed lark!
• #16
I just saw Hippy.
Or Half-day Hippy, as it was 10.30
• #17
How do you know it was me?
Gimp suit give it away? Or did I just fall over embarassingly?
• #18
pink shirt, and a red soma??????
• #19
You wish I wore pink shirts... you'd be asking to borrow 'em daily..
• #20
hahaha, cock off city boy
• #21
Eat my @55.. it wasn't my fscking choice! FSck I need a drink.. nothin's fscking workin' today!
...theres a fixed womens 70's peugeot locked up in my works bike parking area. Its really nice too. A girl, who rides fixed in the same office as me!!?? Now all i gotta do is stand by it at the end of work and see who collects it. Is that wrong?