well, tonight I thought I'd try another method to remove the decals from under the laquer of my 2.5 week old bike. I thought I'd try out another method other than the "razor blade" method. Tonight I went at it with emery paper, thinking that it'll leave a smoother surface for painting on. And lucky too, 'cos i've "lightlt" gone through to the metal in a couple of places. A quick smooth of the other side (that I did last night with the razor blade), a quick wash down and its all ready for a spray with the can of spraypaint i'll buy tomorrow, I'l re laquer it, smooth it down again and hopefully it'll be as good as new, minus the decals.
well, tonight I thought I'd try another method to remove the decals from under the laquer of my 2.5 week old bike. I thought I'd try out another method other than the "razor blade" method. Tonight I went at it with emery paper, thinking that it'll leave a smoother surface for painting on. And lucky too, 'cos i've "lightlt" gone through to the metal in a couple of places. A quick smooth of the other side (that I did last night with the razor blade), a quick wash down and its all ready for a spray with the can of spraypaint i'll buy tomorrow, I'l re laquer it, smooth it down again and hopefully it'll be as good as new, minus the decals.