nv55 I've got some Powergrips. Evans do them, online only, but get them shipped to store for free. £15.
I use them with MKS Sylvan touring pedals (double sided), which I think are about £15 or £20. They work fine, but they aren't as good as spuds for going fast. I put them on when I go shopping or out on the town.
PS. I went to Imperial too. It sounds like you're going for intercollegiate halls, which is a good move. A lot of Imperial undergrads are a very dull and geekish, and ladies are thin on the ground.
That was one of my major concerns! Whilst I like chemistry a lot, and science in general, I like to think that I actually have a personality and am quite lively anyway, plus I have lots of other interests :) It's in London anyway so it's not like I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with a lack of people :)
I think I'll have a look at the MKS ones. They seem to be quite popular. I really would like clipless but I need to save the money really and it saves me changing shoes.
That was one of my major concerns! Whilst I like chemistry a lot, and science in general, I like to think that I actually have a personality and am quite lively anyway, plus I have lots of other interests :) It's in London anyway so it's not like I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with a lack of people :)
I think I'll have a look at the MKS ones. They seem to be quite popular. I really would like clipless but I need to save the money really and it saves me changing shoes.