Meneer, I've got a vintage 531 Dawes frame in the cupboard under the stairs - actually with very similar 'Nervex-y' lugs to your invalid...its had a pretty crude rattlecan paint job, so no stickers or decals, but is true and in very good shape. A 56cm if I recall correctly...I'd be chuffed for it to go to a good home and wouldn't want much for it...
Meneer, I've got a vintage 531 Dawes frame in the cupboard under the stairs - actually with very similar 'Nervex-y' lugs to your invalid...its had a pretty crude rattlecan paint job, so no stickers or decals, but is true and in very good shape. A 56cm if I recall correctly...I'd be chuffed for it to go to a good home and wouldn't want much for it...
let me know if you're interested.