I know these german ones. Typical german efficency.
Lets teach some engineering here:
See da number on the side ? U call that with your mobile if you want to unlock it
and your bill gets charged. inside there is a GPS transmitter.
If you call the number omitting the bike ID you get a computer voice telling you where
to find the next bike. If the bike is moved outside a certain city area it locks
automatically.apart from that you can take it where you want an leave it there outside on the street
All sponsered by German Rail. Have seen them mostly in Berlin..
I know these german ones. Typical german efficency.
Lets teach some engineering here:
See da number on the side ? U call that with your mobile if you want to unlock it
and your bill gets charged. inside there is a GPS transmitter.
If you call the number omitting the bike ID you get a computer voice telling you where
to find the next bike. If the bike is moved outside a certain city area it locks
automatically.apart from that you can take it where you want an leave it there outside on the street
All sponsered by German Rail. Have seen them mostly in Berlin..
Good idea..but its not fixed...