• #27
It´s the Olympic Velodrom of Horta.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vel%C3%B2drom_D'Hortaits in the middle of the screen of this link:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=es&geocode=&q=barcelona&ie=UTF8&ll=41.43819,2.149158&spn=0.013223,0.027037&t=h&z=15&om=1 -
• #28
cool, not too far from where i stay and right by the tube too.
• #29
MrSmith, when are you coming over next? You could bring my spoke card over! ;)
• #30
probably mid september, stay in torrent de l'Olla (sp?) just north of the diagonal metro, will bring some cards out. will wisper you nearer the time.
• #31
torrent de l'Olla you say? that´s spitting distance from where I live! Will you be bringing yr bike over?
• #32
don't think so :-( I'm shooting in portugal then going straight to bcn before back to london and cameras/laptops take up most of baggage allowance.
where is the velodrome? montuic? (forgive my spelling)
i'll have to go and have a look next time i'm there.