I don't mind faxes. I just don't know where our machine is.
I've lost a computer in this building too. It's a server. It's somewhere. It still responds to ping, and I can mount it as a drive. I just have no idea where it is. I think it was moved in the last great desk shuffle. One day I'll have the motivation to track it down, it will probably be the day that it isn't on-line in the morning and I'll have less of a chance of finding it.
I don't mind faxes. I just don't know where our machine is.
I've lost a computer in this building too. It's a server. It's somewhere. It still responds to ping, and I can mount it as a drive. I just have no idea where it is. I think it was moved in the last great desk shuffle. One day I'll have the motivation to track it down, it will probably be the day that it isn't on-line in the morning and I'll have less of a chance of finding it.