ok so "instead of"... i thought as much but was worried about the uncovered/ naked
bits of threads touching each other...
Or does the act of screwing it in spread the loctite around enough?
(Hence the big wadge of goo in the middle, in the photo above?)
if not, isn't there a danger of the cup and braket seizing if i leave
some parts of the thread exposed (sans loctite, sans grease)?
ok so "instead of"... i thought as much but was worried about the uncovered/ naked
bits of threads touching each other...
Or does the act of screwing it in spread the loctite around enough?
(Hence the big wadge of goo in the middle, in the photo above?)
if not, isn't there a danger of the cup and braket seizing if i leave
some parts of the thread exposed (sans loctite, sans grease)?