The only opinion I have is that you shouldn't buy the BMC. It's nice from a design/aesthetic point of view but it's got slack angles and I don't think it would be as good on the track as many other bikes.
I also wouldn't spend that much on a bike as I've got other things that I'd prefer to do (travel etc) rather than spending money on objects. However, if you buy any of these super flashy bikes then I'll be first in line asking to try it out!
The only opinion I have is that you shouldn't buy the BMC. It's nice from a design/aesthetic point of view but it's got slack angles and I don't think it would be as good on the track as many other bikes.
I also wouldn't spend that much on a bike as I've got other things that I'd prefer to do (travel etc) rather than spending money on objects. However, if you buy any of these super flashy bikes then I'll be first in line asking to try it out!