well im vegan mostly because of ethical, reason....but once you've started you 'll start seeing other reasons as well....whether political, health and so on........
and being vegan isn't about being 100 percent clear of or animal product or by-products.......it's not about being clear of sin....like some christian bullshit leftover....it's about trying to be as best as you can....you'll never be totaly free form it....as long you are part of the system.....it's about realizing the atrocities happening on earth everyday...and doing the only thing you can do here and now....to change your own life.......maybe it's not changing anything on larger scale yet...it makes me feel like im doing something more that just looking..but maybe just maybe one day????:-).......
but yeah anyway....whether anyone is using leather or wool or honey or whatever.......is their own decision and there is no judge only one's conscience and heart
i mean im riding selle italia flite saddle...it was on a secondhand bike and it would be stupid to throw it away and buy something new instead...and consume more in the process.......yeah it's kinda difficult subject and for a long discussion ...but anyway if anybody feels like asking about whatever feel free to do so....
and sorry rakan i missed the reply........20 quid??? as most of the stuff;-).......it's long ,its black, it's in line not like the new ones....and it has some wierd diameter like 26.8 or 25.8 but comes with a 27.2 shim and it's really light....
ad veganism:
well im vegan mostly because of ethical, reason....but once you've started you 'll start seeing other reasons as well....whether political, health and so on........
and being vegan isn't about being 100 percent clear of or animal product or by-products.......it's not about being clear of sin....like some christian bullshit leftover....it's about trying to be as best as you can....you'll never be totaly free form it....as long you are part of the system.....it's about realizing the atrocities happening on earth everyday...and doing the only thing you can do here and now....to change your own life.......maybe it's not changing anything on larger scale yet...it makes me feel like im doing something more that just looking..but maybe just maybe one day????:-).......
but yeah anyway....whether anyone is using leather or wool or honey or whatever.......is their own decision and there is no judge only one's conscience and heart
i mean im riding selle italia flite saddle...it was on a secondhand bike and it would be stupid to throw it away and buy something new instead...and consume more in the process.......yeah it's kinda difficult subject and for a long discussion ...but anyway if anybody feels like asking about whatever feel free to do so....
and sorry rakan i missed the reply........20 quid??? as most of the stuff;-).......it's long ,its black, it's in line not like the new ones....and it has some wierd diameter like 26.8 or 25.8 but comes with a 27.2 shim and it's really light....