"Zero Bike" is designed by Makota Makita and Hiroshi Tsuzaki from Tokyo, Japan. The bike is a hubless, spokeless and very lightweight bicycle powered by cranking magnetic pedals which rotate the tires suspended between other magnets. It has won a design excellence award by the Industrial Design Society of America.
This is a crazy idea. Future aadvances in magnet technology! They would have to be some serious advances. This type of things winds me up.[/quote]
Less mechanical resistance.
If it was yellow it could be one of those TRON bikes.[/quote]
Yeah I know what the idea behind it is but there are massive problems getting it to work and even if you did there are many other problems with the concept.[/quote]
Less mechanical resistance? But what about the magnetic resistance! Magnets powerful enough to hold that front wheel in place are going to cause some seriously weird effects which would probably either stop it from rotating ever or make it permanently spin like a bastard. I'm not up enough on physics to work out which way it'd go tho :|
This is a crazy idea. Future aadvances in magnet technology! They would have to be some serious advances. This type of things winds me up.[/quote]
Less mechanical resistance.
If it was yellow it could be one of those TRON bikes.[/quote]
Yeah I know what the idea behind it is but there are massive problems getting it to work and even if you did there are many other problems with the concept.[/quote]
Less mechanical resistance? But what about the magnetic resistance! Magnets powerful enough to hold that front wheel in place are going to cause some seriously weird effects which would probably either stop it from rotating ever or make it permanently spin like a bastard. I'm not up enough on physics to work out which way it'd go tho :|