• #2
I know that the guy behind it from velorution is an absolute Cnut and that the whole show is about to implode (if that didn't happen already).
• #3
Smack and err Pow.
• #4
Jos I know that the guy behind it from velorution is an absolute Cnut and that the whole show is about to implode (if that didn't happen already).
• #5
it's going to be a "multi-media experience"
doesn't this translate as a "fucking ponsy load of old bollocks" ?
I bet there isn't even free booze
• #6
No free beer? Gai.
• #7
ever been to a fashion show?
I have, it was a fucking ponsy load of old bollocks.
there wasn't even any free beer.
this sounds like it's a fashion show, with models on bikes.
It's hilarious that designers think they can dictate what people should chose to wear. They can suck my fat hairy old plums, that's what they can do.
• #8
RPM ever been to a fashion show?
I have, it was a fucking ponsy load of old bollocks.
there wasn't even any free beer.
this sounds like it's a fashion show, with models on bikes.
It's hilarious that designers think they can dictate what people should chose to wear. They can suck my fat hairy old plums, that's what they can do.
Fashion show hey? Might be free coke lol.
• #9
right, what time we all meeting up?
• #10
I know some of the folks showing in this and they have put in a lot of time and effort. Just regular track mad kids so its not going to be all bad.
However, the whole format does make me a little nervous.
• #11
You have to sniff it off a well-worn Brooks saddle though..
• #12
I also know a lot of people involved in this and they have worked really hard on it. But it does seem, as Jos suggested, that they are having "internal" problems. I hope it goes ahead..
• #13
Unless they do a Primark / Woolwhich market line I don't think there is any point in me going.
• #14
• #15
Go on, spill, what's the inside scoop on the internal carnage? Are they doing anything for the lycra set or is it all 3/4 baggy courier kit?
• #16
It is to complicated to explain but a lot of people have been skrewed over by Andrea from Velorution (including myself).
• #17
Andrea is a guy?
• #18
He's Italian
• #19
well that explains everything...
• #20
ooo u gonna have that stef, u gonna let him say that man, he cussed you harrrrd. man i wouldn't take that, no way.
• #21
Take That ?
no f***ing way... -
• #22
Jos It is to complicated to explain but a lot of people have been skrewed over by Andrea from Velorution (including myself).
le car He's Italian
Faccia di merda. lol
Anyone going to this or know much about it?
Pret a Rouler
Thursday 21, June from 7 to 10pm