Evans are a large chain. I doubt the guys in WHSmiths will be able to suggest a good book for you to read based on what you've enjoyed these last few months, just as I doubt half the guys in Sainsbury's can find you a good cheese and wine combo. They sell stuff in bulk, fairly cheap, to people that aren't that bothered.
It's a shame, because it always makes me sad to hear of my friends buying a crap laptop from PC World. But they can't be bothered to research laptops, and PC World don't need to train their staff well, because they make a killing just shifting whatever boxes they are given. Good service always costs more, unless you have knowledgeable friends like myself that can source a good laptop, fix a bike, and suggest a good book ;)
Evans are a large chain. I doubt the guys in WHSmiths will be able to suggest a good book for you to read based on what you've enjoyed these last few months, just as I doubt half the guys in Sainsbury's can find you a good cheese and wine combo. They sell stuff in bulk, fairly cheap, to people that aren't that bothered.
It's a shame, because it always makes me sad to hear of my friends buying a crap laptop from PC World. But they can't be bothered to research laptops, and PC World don't need to train their staff well, because they make a killing just shifting whatever boxes they are given. Good service always costs more, unless you have knowledgeable friends like myself that can source a good laptop, fix a bike, and suggest a good book ;)