• #27
inspiring, i'm gonna watch that before leaving the house to get me in the mood, tootin high st isn't broadway but i can dream.
• #28
the best fakenger i have ever seen bought a nextell raido phone and wore it straped to the shoulder pad of his chrome bag...
• #29
vegansdontneedgears the best fakenger i have ever seen bought a nextell raido phone and wore it straped to the shoulder pad of his chrome bag...
Now THAT is sad.
• #30
it gets better, he didn't have the number of any of the mesenges, so he had no one to radio...
• #31
do all new york couriers ride around singing like twats???
• #32
no but that video is hilarious
• #33
ahh i feel i missed the point...got it now
• #34
so glad i dont have sound here after watching that vid
• #35
Actually, the current messenger look isn't a NYC thing. It was kind of a little bit from SF, a little bit from TO, a little bit from Berlin, a little bit from London, a little bit from NYC, a little bit from Boston, a little bit from DC, a little bit from...
If you listen to NYC messengers, they'll have you believe that they invented the bicycle, never mind bicycle messengering.
In the early 90s, when the international messenger community was born, the cities with the strongest messenger culture were TO and SF. NYC was barely on the map.
• #36
What is the ultimate messenger look besides a big shoulder bag? This is one thing I don't get. Dose not look that diffrent to the BMX / skate sceen of the late ninties. Just with the old torusers cut off. and a cyling jaket when it is wet.
• #37
Yeah, that's about it.
But at the first messenger champs, the only guys wearing cut-offs were the SF, Boston and TO guys. Almost everyone else was in lycra. There were only 5/6 people on fixies (2/3 from DC, 1 from SF and London). And there was only a hand-ful of different brands of bags Globe, Zo, Pac, T2 and Ortlieb. Oh yeah, and everyone, and I mean everyone, rode clipless.
• #38
s'funny that some mush with a shoulder bag and no helmet (basically an ordinary bloke, not a dayglo commuter) riding a bike would be considered to be "copying" a cycle courier..
anyway, it's all cycling, it's all good, let's leave the hating and the bickering to the Americans
• #39
Yeah, well, it's funny that messengers have got more and more 'ordinary' looking and progressively more and more aggressive about 'owning' a look.
• #40
RPM s'funny that some mush with a shoulder bag and no helmet (basically an ordinary bloke, not a dayglo commuter) riding a bike would be considered to be "copying" a cycle courier..
anyway, it's all cycling, it's all good, let's leave the hating and the bickering to the Americans
i agree totally
• #41
I must be an ultimate fakenger then as I have never grown up from my 20" days from mid / late 90's.
The shame.
• #42
Buffalo Bill Yeah, well, it's funny that messengers have got more and more 'ordinary' looking and progressively more and more aggressive about 'owning' a look.
I remember when I was into BMX and when BMX skating and suddenly started having a popular comeback that people down the skate park would bitch about people wearing dickies or simlar clothing who where not in the skating or BMXing scene.
So it has happened before and it ironically about people wearing dickies and similar again now! It's a dickies conspearicy!
• #43
As if wearing Dickies is something to be proud of!
• #44
I can get dickies through work, but they're shite! and too expensive
fuck knows why anyone would want to wear them for cycling
• #45
dikies overalls are the best! I have cheap castle ones at the moment and they are not as good. My dad has some of the ultimate overalls, they have a rude boy hood!
but true I don't use them for cycling
• #46
i wear my dikies overalls when im riding, but i get accused for being a fake by the mechanics by my house....you cant win
• #47
yeah, the builders and plumbers will be shouting "fake" from scaffolds across the land
• #48
It said it once, say it again. Back to lycre, It's the only way forward ! ! ! !
• #49
Then you will be a wanta be rodie.
• #50
and no-one wants that, if we're honest
Holy fucking shit, best thing ever! That's totally what being a messenger in NY was like! Man fat tires and high fucking fives everywhere!11!!11!!