Been riding fixed for 2 years - which makes me a bit of an old hand by the looks of things. I see fixers everyday now, mostly the usual off-the-peg suspects (pomps & langsters) which seem to have helped increase the popularity. A couple of years ago you rarely saw any south of the river. There are even three other fixed riders where I work (out of about 40 regular cyclists) although two of them have been subject to my evil influence (I am the nick o'teen of fixed gear cycling)
Been riding fixed for 2 years - which makes me a bit of an old hand by the looks of things. I see fixers everyday now, mostly the usual off-the-peg suspects (pomps & langsters) which seem to have helped increase the popularity. A couple of years ago you rarely saw any south of the river. There are even three other fixed riders where I work (out of about 40 regular cyclists) although two of them have been subject to my evil influence (I am the nick o'teen of fixed gear cycling)
I'm still crap at track stands.