Buffalo Bill:
I think this is because the more cyclists there are, the more people expect to see them, so the more they look for them...
Definitely, this is what really matters for cyclists safety - not cycle lanes etc. but a culture which includes cycling as a serious mode of transport (among other things of course).
velocity boy:Ultimately it's not about the bikes, scenes, what's cool, it's about the people.
Yes, and there are wankers in any group of people, people who ride bikes and people who ride fixed wheel included. I've only been riding fixed just over 2 years now, but even i find some of the 'cool-culture' magazine's coverage annoying (and the ppl who come with it). But that can be the same with anything people identify around and to try and pretend otherwise is pretty silly, people should just get on with what they want to do.
Definitely, this is what really matters for cyclists safety - not cycle lanes etc. but a culture which includes cycling as a serious mode of transport (among other things of course).
Yes, and there are wankers in any group of people, people who ride bikes and people who ride fixed wheel included. I've only been riding fixed just over 2 years now, but even i find some of the 'cool-culture' magazine's coverage annoying (and the ppl who come with it). But that can be the same with anything people identify around and to try and pretend otherwise is pretty silly, people should just get on with what they want to do.
huff ;)