Yeah having consistent HR for every ride (rather than different power meters) is helpful, especially as you say for long rides on bikes without power which is most of my outdoor riding - the TSS calc in TP is pretty useful and I have uploaded the same ride with and without power as a test, and the hrTSS is pretty close.
That's good to know. I'm doing most of my riding on the Surly these days so I have more 'need' to estimate TSS if I'm going to actually follow a training plan.
I'm kinda backwards to most people though in that I load up my training plan and then remove and/or chop and change as I need to. Most people that do that either quit because they can't do the high volume or move to a lower volume plan and then add stuff back in. I've tried both and tend to prefer loading up the plan and removing workouts if necessary.
I'm still nothing like the load I was doing during Covid though. I crushed the turbo during 2020 :D
It's extra data for not much trouble. It can sometimes be useful to look at HR vs. power when pondering "am I shithouse or getting sick" and, as I mentioned, I might start wearing it outside on bikes with no PMs and that can be used with TR, etc to get a better TSS for rides than RPE estimates.