• I once met up wth @hamrack on a Saturday afternoon for a drink at the Coy Carp in Harefield.
    That 'Wests' was so far west it was Buckinghamshire!
    We had strayed beyond the shire ditch that delineates the border between Bucks and the great (lost) county of Middlesex.

  • Is that as far out as the West's where we met @joel. for drinks in the pub with the 2nd longest name. The Land of Liberty Peace and Plenty. In old terms, being near Chorleywood, it's in Hertfordshire but falls short on Reading as furthest west. It even beats Artefood even though I'm certain we only ever consumed coffee.

  • Thanks for this reminder,
    I forgot the LoLP&P meet up, further west and 3 of us!

    The Coy Carp is tight on the River Colne, so several miles east of Chorleywood.

    'Compass Drinks' doesn't necessarily imply alcohol, does it?
    Perhaps @Oliver Schick can shed some light on the requirements?
