2024 was probably the best year I’ve had for consistency with my weight. Managed to stay active and never went too bonkers with my diet - got as low as 77kg and was the leanest I’d ever been at one stage. And then happily maintained around 80-81kg. A few injuries popped up in November and I’ve had a little slide and I porked up to 84kg. The tummy has come back, and activity has dropped off so I’m keen to get it sorted. Being back at work has got the good habits going again - fasting until 12, and hopefully doing better with healthier dinners. I’ve also got a place on the Fred Whitton Challenge for May, so I’ll need to start cycling to work once the weather isn’t -5 degrees, and doing weekend miles. And considering all the climbing on the route, getting the pounds off seems like a good idea!
Just need to take a “before” photo now (which never feels good).
2024 was probably the best year I’ve had for consistency with my weight. Managed to stay active and never went too bonkers with my diet - got as low as 77kg and was the leanest I’d ever been at one stage. And then happily maintained around 80-81kg. A few injuries popped up in November and I’ve had a little slide and I porked up to 84kg. The tummy has come back, and activity has dropped off so I’m keen to get it sorted. Being back at work has got the good habits going again - fasting until 12, and hopefully doing better with healthier dinners. I’ve also got a place on the Fred Whitton Challenge for May, so I’ll need to start cycling to work once the weather isn’t -5 degrees, and doing weekend miles. And considering all the climbing on the route, getting the pounds off seems like a good idea!
Just need to take a “before” photo now (which never feels good).
Goal weight, sub 80kg?
4/1/25 - 84kg