any reputable artist will consult for free.
deposits are generally required to book a slot (£50 is pretty normal in my experience)
Without a deposit, they are unlikely to share a design with you.Pick your artist based on what they do and what you want, making sure they align.
Don't ask a hyper realism artist to do neo-traditional etc.Sometimes you need to book a consult, have some reference pieces to hand when you meet them if you have any (these do not have to be tattoos, in my experience they prefer non-tattoo references as it means it will be more original)
Good luck!
Come back for dozens of conflicting comments on aftercare once you have it done!
Thanks for the replies. I will do some research and visit a couple of these people for an initial brief consultation, which seems to be free at most places. Regardless of what I do, is it the right thing to do to hand over a few quid, while I go home and think about it?